As I See It: Fundraising Ethics and Community: Empowering Change from Within 

fundraising ethics in the comunity

For more than a decade, I’ve been a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and I’ve annually signed my commitment to uphold the Association of Fundraising Professional Code of Ethics. Within this work—as in all areas of public trust—it is incumbent on the sector to establish, articulate, and abide by ethical practices. These standards demonstrate the profound commitment to integrity, transparency, and shared principles our communities expect professionals and leaders to uphold. Additionally, I’ve been thinking a lot about the powerful and transformative force that emerges when fundraising becomes a community-driven endeavor rooted in these values. It fosters a collaborative approach to generating resources for positive change and empowers local communities to be the architects of their own progress.

At their core, community-based efforts activate local communities to take the lead in shaping their future. Rather than being passive recipients of aid, communities take a role in identifying their needs, aspirations, and the solutions that resonate with their unique context. This empowerment ensures fundraising efforts are relevant and impactful and nurtures a sense of ownership and pride in the community’s development journey.

Ethical fundraising within a community context thrives on co-creation and inclusive decision-making. It is a process where community members, local leaders, and stakeholders come together to collectively determine the best course of action. This approach ensures that fundraising initiatives align with the community’s values, cultural norms, and long-term goals. By involving diverse voices, fundraising fosters a strong sense of unity and shared responsibility.

Transparency is the lifeblood of ethical fundraising. Clear communication about goals, methods, and the use of funds builds trust and strengthens the bond between fundraisers and the community. Transparency ensures that community members are well-informed partners, confident that their contributions are making a tangible difference. Honest reporting of progress and outcomes reinforces the belief that change is not only possible but achievable.

One of the distinctive features of community-based fundraising is its reliance on local resources and expertise. This approach taps into the community’s inherent strengths and knowledge, fostering a sense of self-sufficiency. Whether it’s harnessing traditional skills, leveraging local networks, or utilizing existing infrastructure, this approach maximizes the impact of fundraising efforts while promoting sustainability. This enables the work and extends its impact beyond immediate needs, focusing on long-term, sustainable change. By engaging community members in the fundraising process, initiatives are tailored to address root causes rather than just symptoms. This holistic approach creates lasting transformation, empowering communities to continue driving positive change even after external support diminishes.

Cultural identity is a source of strength and resilience within communities. Fundraising that is community-based recognizes and celebrates cultural heritage. It respects local traditions, languages, and ways of life, ensuring that fundraising initiatives are culturally sensitive and respectful. This approach deepens the connection between fundraisers and the community, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation. From this place of community collaboration and solidarity, individuals work together to achieve common goals, bonds are strengthened, and a sense of unity prevails. The collective effort fuels a spirit of shared purpose, reminding everyone involved that their actions are part of a broader movement toward positive change.

Community-based fundraising—supported with ethical practices—harnesses the collective power of communities. It is a celebration of shared values, local wisdom, and a commitment to a brighter future. By embracing this approach, we empower communities to design our collective future, creating lasting impact that echoes through generations. As fundraisers, let us recognize the strength within communities and support the journey toward empowerment, unity, and sustainable change.

Clint Riley, MA|MBA, CFRE is the Director of Administration & Finance at M. Gale. Clint has spent a majority of his nonprofit career in arts, culture, and education, helping these organizations articulate strategic priorities and develop practical and effective policies, systems, and procedures in support of their mission and philanthropic goals. He has held roles in fund development, marketing/communication and sales, program design and assessment, project management, and strategic planning.


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